Basics of Self-Mastery


Enhance self-understanding, leadership presence and connection to others

This course provides foundational tools for us to understand our inner dynamics so we can make more conscious choices about how we engage with life and within the organization. Regardless of where we are in the development journey, evolving our self-mastery uplevels our leadership. 

We all face internal and interpersonal challenges such as conflict, egoic behaviors, and inability to communicate compassionately, which often stem from a lack of self-awareness. Most of us never learned how to deal with our emotional system and reactivity, yet our internal state impacts our everyday life and leadership at work. In fact, self-mastery is the key for us to thrive as individuals, unleash our creativity, and foster genuine consideration for others. 

Our capacity to make sound strategic decisions, be inspiring leaders, and successfully craft and implement strategy, hinges on our self-awareness. How we perceive the world and others, and the decisions we make, often mirror our self-perceptions and the subconscious patterning, beliefs, and mental models that have been constructed over the course of our lives. Developing self-understanding is pivotal to leading and making decisions from a higher consciousness and to experiencing fulfillment in our lives. 

Bringing together western psychology and time-tested eastern spiritual practices, The Basics of Self-Mastery program helps leaders to develop greater self-awareness, compassion and presence. 

Developing Conscious Business Leadership

In this twelve-week course, you will learn how to:

Understand internal reactivity


Accept reality (“what is”)


Challenge assumptions and unlock new perspectives


Overcome victimhood


Develop skillful listening and speech


Enhance connection and compassion


The Program

  • 12-week program
  • Live meetings over video
  • In addition to live calls, participants will be given practices and assignments to complete between meetings
  • The program is interactive and includes discussion, small group interaction, journaling, and guided meditations
  • The program is facilitated by our Kollner Group leadership team

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